Apg vision
Apg vision

apg vision

They are not proficient with any type of armor or shield.

apg vision

Witches are proficient with all simple weapons. The following are the class features of the witch. Table: Witch LevelĬantrips, hex, patron spells, witch’s familiar The witch’s class skills are Craft ( Int), Fly ( Dex), Heal ( Wis), Intimidate ( Cha), Knowledge (arcana) ( Int), Knowledge (history) ( Int), Knowledge (nature) ( Int), Knowledge (planes) ( Int), Profession ( Wis), Spellcraft ( Int), and Use Magic Device ( Cha). Starting Wealth: 3d6 × 10 gp (average 105 gp.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less. Some witches travel about, seeking greater knowledge and better understanding of the mysterious powers that guide them. The blend of witches’ spells makes them adept at filling a number of different roles, from seer to healer, and their hexes grant them a number of abilities that are useful in a fight. Role: While many witches are recluses, living on the edge of civilization, some live within society, openly or in hiding. Some are even afraid of that source, fearful of what it might be or where its true purposes lie. As a witch grows in power, she might learn about the source of her magic, but some remain blissfully unaware. Communing with that source, using her familiar as a conduit, the witch gains not only a host of spells, but a number of strange abilities known as hexes.

apg vision

Generally feared and misunderstood, the witch draws her magic from a pact made with an otherworldly power. Some gain power through study, some through devotion, others through blood, but the witch gains power from her communion with the unknown.

Apg vision